Saturday 14 November 2009

A few more Utila highlights

Although the majority of our time in Utila was spent doing the dive course, there is still plenty more to tell of our stay on this beautiful island. Famous for its party atmosphere, several of our evenings in Utila were spent visiting the various bars, the most popular ones being Tranquila, Coco Loco and Treetanic, a bar which has been built inside a tree! Don't ask me how they did it, but it is an amazing sight and the atmosphere is great. On our first night, while Miguel was still with us, we were planning for a long night out, but contrary to Dave's claim that Saturday was usually 'a big night' for everyone on the island, the evening never really got going, and having started knocking back the Salvas (beers) quite early on in the evening, we were ready to go home by about 1am!

Another nice evening out was spent with most of the staff of the dive shop in celebration of the owners finding out that they were going to have a baby! It was a very exciting time for everyone and we had a great meal together, followed by a few drinks. This wasn't a late night for us though as we had to get back and prepare for our theory class the next day! Dave also kindly invited us round to his place for dinner one evening, where he prepared a curry with Carrie's assistance. They even remembered to do a non-spicy version for me, as I can't tolerate anything even slightly hot, and it was delicious. We spent a fun evening eating, drinking beer and telling jokes, and Vic and Miguel, at Carrie's request, taught us a very long list of Spanish swear words, which Carrie diligently wrote down, along with English equivalents :)

Before we left, we were lucky to be able to watch the Dive Olympics, something which had been set up by a few of the Parrots' staff just for a bit of fun. There were four teams of five people and the events included things such as holding your breath under water, a swimming relay, an egg and spoon relay wearing flippers, a running relay carrying scuba tanks through a slalam of chairs, jumping off the top floor of a nearby bar (with more points being awarded for the quality of the jump) and,of course, the traditional drinking game, which involved each team drinking two beers each one after the other, with the fastest team gaining maximum points. It was great fun to watch and a great success!

On our final day, we thought we were going to see the famous beach parties, which tend to take place every second Sunday. People carry a sound system and bbq down to the beach, everyone brings their own food and drinks and together they party the night away. Unfortunately, everyone was too hungover after the Dive Olympics to bother organising it. In fact several people who had taken part in the Olympics the day before hadn't even been to bed yet, and most were still partying in Coco Loco. And so it transpired that most of us ended up spending the day in Coco Loco, where we enjoyed a great crab soup, made by one of the locals, and spent the afternoon drinking and dancing. It was a brilliant way to end our stay on Utila and although we were a little sad to be saying goodbye to everyone, we have some fantastic memories of those few days and we will never forget the wonderful people we got to meet there.

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