Sunday 31 May 2009

San Jose


We spent our first day roaming around San Jose. There are some nice buildings to see, but a lot of the original architecture has been destroyed by earthquakes.
The city is very busy, very noisy and very dirty. We´re quite looking forward to moving on from here, but it was good to have seen it.
We got caught in the daily thunder storm on our first day, but managed to make it into a cafe before it got too bad. We had to wait an hour and a half before it had passed. Fun times :)

1 comment:

  1. hola, me gusta esta idea del blog y mucho mas las aventuras que os empiezan a pasar, no os descuideis porque nunca se sabe. yo leere todos vuestros comentarios y asi parece que estais un poco mas cerca de casa, aprovechar tan buena oportunidad que la vida os da y aprender de todo y todos, las gentes y sus culturas es la sabiduria que os quedara, muchos besos,
